Saturday, March 29, 2025
HomeHealthVSSIMSR Burla has become a referral institute

VSSIMSR Burla has become a referral institute

According to the guideline of Medical Council of India the numbers of bed of central ICU of Veer Surendra Sai Institute of Medical Sciences and Research, Burla has been increased to 20 beds. But according to the number of bed, ventilator has not been facilitated.  Till now ventilator added beds are limited to 14. Due to the shortage of beds, critical patients are getting admitted at nursing homes. Apart from this special ICU are not available in other departments also.

The government opened various departments to make it a super specialty hospital to provide better health service. But it has become a referral hospital only. Departments are there but doctors are not available. Vacant posts are not filled up. Equipments are not available. Available equipments are defunct.

The number of bed in the central ICU has been increased to 20 from 4 only in paper. Further as beds are not available in the central ICU, urgent operations are carrying out outside. Again poor patient are paying around Rs 20,000/- as ICU ambulance is not available.


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