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HomeEducationThe Best Ways to Lose Weight and Keeping it Off

The Best Ways to Lose Weight and Keeping it Off

Dr Saheb Sahu, FAAP, MPH.

I want to weigh less, not through diet and exercise, but acquiring a faulty scale. Jarod Kintz

Definitions of Terms

Body Mass Index (BMI) is used by doctors to define, normal, overweight and obesity. A BMI below 18.5 is considered underweight, 18.5-24.9 is normal weight, 25.-29.9 is overweightand 30 or higher is obese.For Asians ,newer studies show that normal BMI is 18.5-23, instead of up to 24.9 (

 A calorie is the measurement of a unit of energy. I gram of carbohydrate and protein have 4 Calories each and I gram of fat has 9 Calories.

“There is not a doubt that obesity increases risk for a wide range of chronic diseases” says David Ludwig, professor of nutrition at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. It has been proven beyond reasonable doubts that obesity increases the risks for high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, type-2 diabetes, certain cancers, memory failure and arthritis.

A recent review of 121 trials of various diets found that participants’ weight and blood pressure measures generally improved after six months on the diet. But after a year, most people regained the weight and any cardiovascular (heart and vessels) improvements mostly disappeared.

If you want to lose weight, as many people do, calories and exercise remain the two crucial levers.  To lose weight,  you have to eat fewer calories and use more calories than you take in. This can be challenging for most people to do for an extended period of time. “Reducing daily calories intake is the most important factor for weight loss” says Ju .Young Kim, of the Journal of Obesity and Metabolic Syndrome. The key issue is finding a sustainable way to eat healthy, in terms of both quality and quantity. Very few New Year’s resolution diets are sustainable. They can even be counterproductive, by leaving people with impression that progress is possible. Any diet plan to lose weight is unpleasant and short-lived. Will power usually does not work. Simple rules are better.

Added sugar and sweeteners in many of our processed food products is a big problem. They trick our body into wanting even more food. They are the driving force behind the global diabetes and obesity epidemics, which in turn cause many chronic health problems. Beverages are one of the biggest sources of added sugar in our diets. A single 16 –ounce can of Coke has 52 grams of sugar. That is more added sugar than most adults should consume in an entire day. All sweet foods have some kind of sugar- grain sugar, brown sugar, honey, maple syrup or artificial sweetener. Some experts now believe that artificial sweeteners lead to “weight gain and metabolic abnormalities”.

Follow a Healthy Eating Plan

A heathy eating plan includes:

  • Controlling the portion size (most important),
  • A variety of vegetables, fruits and whole grains such as brown rice, whole wheat and oats,
  • Fat-free or low fat dairy products such as milk, yogurt and cheese,
  • A variety of protein foods including legumes (beans and peas), soy products, nuts, seeds, eggs, fish and sea foods, poultry and limited lean meat,
  • Oils such as canola oil, oliveoil and those found in nuts, olives and avocados,
  • Consuming fewer foods and drinks that have refined carbohydrates, added sugars and salt,
  • Limiting foods with saturated fats and trans fats, like those found in desserts and fried foods.

 To learn more about a healthy eating plan visit

Physical Activity for Healthy Weight

Regular physical activity is important for good health. It is especially important to lose weight or to maintain a healthy weight.

When losing weight, more physical activity increases the number of calories your body uses for energy or “burn off”. The burning off calories through physical activity, combining with reducing the number of calories you eat, creates a“caloric deficit” that results in weight loss.

Most importantly, physical activity reduces the risk of high blood pressure, heart attack, stroke, type-2 diabetes, several forms of cancer, arthritis; reduce risk of bone thinning (osteoporosis) and falls.

The benefits of exercise are quite clear on the Brian: Improve memory, increase the capacity to learn (especially children), improve mood and lower anxiety, and to slow aging. Exercise in nature is even more beneficial.

How Much Physical Activity?

 To maintain your weight: Work your way up to 150 minutes of moderate- intensity aerobic activity or 75 minutes of vigorous intensity aerobic activity each week. Moderate intensity activities include- walking, yard work, playing with children or biking at causal pace. Vigorous activities (your heart rate increases substantially) include: Running, swimming laps, jumping ropes and competitive sports.


There is no mystery about how to eat better. You do not have to worry about the fine points of the latest scientific research. The overall picture has been remarkably quite consistent for years. A healthy diet revolves around mostly unprocessed foods, like vegetables, fruits, nuts, beans, whole grain, fish and some meat. The famous food writer Michel Pollan’s seven word manifesto still holds: “Eat Food. Not too much.  Mostly plants”.

 To lose weight and to maintain it, you must also exercise. You have to burn more calories than you take. Be safe- start slowly and talk to your doctor if you have health problem or an injury. Choose activity you enjoy and try new ones, but keep moving. Being more active will help you manage your weight besides all the other benefits mentioned earlier.

Bottom line- if you are not losing at least one kilogram or more (2-3 pounds) a month, than you are still eating too much!

Sources weight. 3-

4- David Leonhardt. The Morning: A food audit. The New York Times, January7, 2022


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