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HomeEducationMajor World Religions(XII)_Dr Saheb Sahu

Major World Religions(XII)_Dr Saheb Sahu

Traditional African Religions

The traditional beliefs and practices of African people are highly diverse and include various ethnic religions. Followers of traditional African religions pray to various spirits as well as their ancestors. These secondary spirits serve as intermediaries between humans and the primary God. Most African societies believe in a single Supreme Creator God named Chukwu, Nyame, Olodumare, Ngai, Roog etc. Some recognize both a God and a Goddess.

The environment and nature are infused in every aspect of traditional African religions and culture. It is believed that natural phenomena and environment are intertwined. All aspects of weather, thunder, lightning, rain, moon, sun and stars are amenable to control through worship. The traditions of African religions are oral rather than scriptural.

Practitioners of traditional African religions in Sub–Sahara Africa are distributed among 43 countries and are estimated to be over 100 million. However, the largest religions in Africa are Christianity and Islam.

Common Ethical Principles among the Major Religions

Treatment of others

Deal with others as you would be dealt by. Do nothing to your neighbor which you would not have him do to you. – Mahabharata

What I do not want others to do to me; I do not want to do to them. – Confucius

You shall love your neighbor as yourself. – Hebrew Bible (Judaism)

The golden rule: “Treat others the way you would have them treat you: this sums up the law and the prophets”. – The New Testament (Christianity)


The wealthier man should give unto the needy.

Considering the course of life hereafter;

For riches are like chariot wheels revolving;

Now to one man they come, now to another.

Rig-Veda (Hinduism)

The more he gives to others,

The more he possess of his own.

Tao-te-Ching (Taoism)

If, however, there is a needy person among you…do not harden your heart and shut your hand against your needy kinsman. Rather you must open your hand and lend him sufficient for whatever he needs. – The Old Testament (Judaism)

It is more blessed to give than to receive. – The New Testament (Christianity)

They ask you of what they should give in charity. Tell them; “What you can spare of your wealth as benefit the parents and relatives, the orphans, the needy, the wayfarers, for God is not unaware the good deeds that you do” – The Quran (Islam)

Truth and Honesty

Seek the truth – Katha Upanishad (Hinduism)

Absolute truth is indestructible. Being indestructible it is eternal. – Confucius

Do not steal, do not deceive and do not lie to one another.- The Old Testament (Judaism)

The truth will set you free. –  The New Testament (Christianity)

Do not veil the truth in false hood, nor conceal the truth knowingly. – The Quran


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